Marie A. sez, correctly:

I'm aware that the man is supposed to be a musical genius
(and we know this because he stopped making music years ago and
he dropped out of society to live in the desert in a trailer). I've been told
repeatedly that I just don't 'get Beefheart'. Well, I maintain that there is
nothing to get.

One time, way back in my youth, I was at a small party, drinking too much and bored out of my mind, partly because it had turned into one of those things where the GUYS sit around playing records and intellectualizing the bejeezus out of 'em -- you all know what I mean, right? <g> Anyway, somebody put on Trout Mask Replica. I continued to drink, and -- er, woolgather -- and lost the thread of the discussion. So when somebody put on a different LP and said, "This is his new one," I wasn't paying a WHOLE LOT of attention. "Oh," I said to myself, after a few songs, "He's gotten MUCH better." Didn't say it out loud, though -- which is just as well, because the album wasn't by Beefheart. It was by Bruce Springsteen.

Oh well! Same difference.

--Cheryl Cline <ducking and running>

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