The mention of melding Albert Ayler and Howlin' Wolf was a good one, 
     though I think you might need to add "and Paul Eluard" (or... fill in 
     your own truly imaginative rather than just fartin'-around surrealist 
     writer here), "and Harry Partch/John Cage/etc." (fill in your own 
     favourite very-American experimental composer). Personally I think his 
     early-80s stuff - Ice Cream for Crow (except a couple of dud tracks) 
     and Doc at the Radar Station - are more enjoyable than everything 
     except Trout Mask Replica, which simply stands on its own as an 
     avant-rock milestone. The earlier heavily blues inflected crossovers 
     often sound too much like bad blues, not enough like microtonal 
     mayhem, and often descend into the same lyrical sex-and-hamburgers 
     bargain-basement surrealism I associate with the wildly overrated 
     Frank Zappa (whom I loved when he mostly kept his sophomoric mouth 
     shut and played his multitrack tape machine, ie., back in the Uncle 
     Meat period).
     It doesn't much surprise me, though, that there are plenty of folks 
     around the P2 precinct who hear only noise in everything *except* the 
     Capt's derivative blues workouts... chacun a son gout, naa naa naa-naa 
     carl w

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