Jon  W. wrote;  

> << he's just a flat out liar, as anyone who's read, for instance, the 
>  Country Music magazine piece on the Chicks (a full page on the band's
>  history - with quotes about it from Seidel - including a their first three
>  album titles, with combined sales figures) can attest.  A mean-spirited,
>  chuckle-headed, lying asshole. >>

PFlash wrote; 
>  geez, but how do you really feel....what's up with such completely 
>  "mean-spirited" attacks on critics that for some reason are not liked....
> what   a waste of time...

   Well, it's not a waste of time IMHO when the points Jon and Cheryl and 
others on this list have been making about the chronic historical, logical, 
and cultural fallacies too many pop writers engage in when they attempt to 
write about country and bluegrass all come home to roost so malevolently in 
the space of one (or I guess two) pieces.  Those two pieces were so 
chock-full of erroneous info, barely-hidden class-contempt and generalized 
bullshit they stand as their own refutations to anyone with enough sense to 
know better.

    Hell, I don't like Natalie Maines either, also think that the Chicks 
looked silly in their Grammy outfits (as most folks do) and am not a big fan 
of their music in general, but reading those 2 pieces of sickeningly 
self-referential "typing" had my jaw on the floor damn-near, and I've been 
reading Wilonsky's dreck for a looooong time now (and can take whatever 
worthless credit due for warning this list about him probably 2 years 
ago-he's an absolute charlatan of the highest order.)

     My big fear is that there's a pretty good sense of how revolting that 
sort of "journalism" is here with many of the writers who hang out on P2, but 
not much if any awareness at all in the larger world of pop ink-stainers.  
Frankly, I think it's high time someone did a generalized yet lengthy piece 
in No Depression or Country Standard Time on "How Not To Write Country Music" 
or "20 Biggest Mistakes Most Pop Writers Make re Country Music" (or whatever 
the hell Cheryl's list is titled <g>).  Hell, even the next time the Oxford 
American does their Southern Music Issue-in fact *that* would be the ideal 
venue for it probably, and I can think of at least few suspects hereabouts 
who could probably do a decent job on it.  I'm sorry, but it is high time 
that pop and rock writers got taken to the stocks and read the riot act over 
this in some sort of public forum.

dan bentele

"They wanted it so bad that they forged ahead, playing every gig like a 
showcase and
proving again and again that there's nothing less attractive than unrequited 
ambition with a
banjo backing."  (Michael Corcoran)

"There was just something endearing about women honoring Patsy Montana and 
Monroe like anyone still gave a damn." (Robert Wilonsky)

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