Ray, Leland:
> Greetings,
> I have a configuration need that I haven't seen asked about before.
> I would like the postfix smtp client to save email if it receives
> certain return codes, such as 5.7.1. This would be in addition to
> generating a dsn. More specifically, postfix is relaying email,
> that relay is rejecting email because of structural issues in the
> email, and I would like to understand more about these errors.
> The only way I can see to do this would be to use bcc maps, then
> use dsn data to filter out and discover the rejected messages.
> However, this would involve storing quite a bit of unnecessary
> data.

You can report bounces to postmaster with custom notify_classes.

    smtp ..     ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      smtp -o
        { notify_classes = resource, software, bounce }
    relay ..    ..      ..      ..      ..      ..      smtp -o
        { notify_classes = resource, software, bounce }

    bounce_notice_recipient = some-dedicated-address-here

There is no configuration to filter on a specific status code.
That will have to happen after delivery.


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