Please forgive the stupid question but I have done my due diligence and was 
unable to locate a definitive answer in the Postfix FAQ, Documentation, or How 
Basically what I want to do seems simple enough I am just not sure how to go 
about it.  Currently I run a Mailman mailing list using Postfix as the MTA and 
all mail is getting sent to the subscribers.  
Outside of the mailing list, I want to create an e-mail alias such as [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] where example.com is my qualified Internet Domain name (same as the 
Domain name used for the Mailman mailing list), and have that forwarded to 
either this Hotmail account or my BellSouth e-mail box.
Where would I create this e-mail address and how do I tell Postfix to send the 
mail to my legitimate mailbox?
Secondly, would it be possible to compose a message from my legitimate e-mail 
account and use my Postfix as a sort of relay, where Postfix would accept my 
message, then make it appear as though it were coming from [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
and send it to its intended recipient?  What I mean is, at the final intended 
destination of the message, I would like the e-mail to appear as though it was 
from [EMAIL PROTECTED] as opposed to my real e-mail address.

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