Max Zimmermann:
> Hey there,
> I hope I'm right asking you this, and hope I can explain my problem
> correctly.
> I'm not receiving to many spam mails on my server. With all
> postfix-internal sender- and helo restrictions and some RBLs enabled,
> spam for me has come down to only a few mails that get through each day.
> So far so good.
> The problem I have now is that one account that recently also sends and
> receives emails via my server, from time to time receives mail from
> people that run either RFC-incompliant (or incorrectly configured) MTA's
> or servers. Their mails are being rejected correctly, of course.
> But for one domain I would appreciate not having those false-positives,
> and not losing these emails.

To avoid RFC compliance checks for domain, put them after
a recipient access table.

For example:

    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
        check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/recipient_access
        [RFC compliance checks here]

/etc/postfix/recipient_access OK

> So what I had in mind now is, that those emails don't get rejected, but
> delivered to a special spam-folder in the users maildir.

Unformtunately, Postfix has no built-in feature to label mail.


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