Rich Shepard wrote:

  I installed cyrus-sasl a couple of postfix versions back, so I should
learn how to properly configure it. I followed the SASL_README to set it up.
Having changed perms to 777 on /var/spool/postfix/var and its
subdirectories, I have no idea what other permissions are preventing this
from working.

  I work on the server box as that's my main workstation, too. I've had no
problems with mail in or out. The saslauthd permission affects only my wife's
attempts to send mail from a different network host.

In my experience with SASL, eliminate postfix from the equation entirely and use the testsaslauthd tool to test whether your sasl setup works on it's own. Once testsaslauthd works, then add postfix to the mix.

Unfortunately the alternate usecase support in SASL is virtually non existent, so you're stuck using strace to tease out the real error that is preventing SASL from working. If you are truly stuck, use strace (or your local equivalent) to run testsaslauthd, and pick backwards through the error messages.

Typical reasons it doesn't work include trying to connect to a socket using the wrong path, or using the correct path, but without the permissions being set correctly to access the socket. Also be careful of assuming the permissions on the socket are correct - double check the permissions of all the parent directories of the socket as well.


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