On 9/5/2008 12:46 PM, Joakim Ohlsson wrote:
>>> This is first time I use this mailing-list, so please let me know if I do
>>> anything wrong.
>>> My problem is that I want to send bounced messages to an different mail
>>> address than the mail-address in the MAIL FROM: field.

>> This is by definition (i.e. RFC 821 and RFC 2821) the address
>> where delivery status notifications are sent.
>> Perhaps you can describe the problem you are trying to solve,
>> instead of describing your solution (modify bounce delivery).

> Thank you for your respons!
> My problem is that I want to receive bounced messages to a different
> mail-address than the address in MAIL FROM: field.

Ahem... that is not a definition of a PROBLEM. That is simply an
expression of a DESIRE.

WHY do you want to do this... in other words, what is it that you think
you will accomplish by doing this?


Best regards,


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