Marcel Grandemange wrote:
Good day

Recently I deiced to give ASSP a bash seeing as I had many troubles from spam coming in from our internal “trusted” network.

So far so good, very impressive in connection with postfix!

However had one problem.

I have pop-before-smtp running for relaying from outside.

I noticed ASSP had a section for this so was really stoked.

The section is “Relaying”

Pop Before SMTP DB File

And I filled in “/usr/local/etc/postfix/pop-before-smtp.db” which is ofcourse the location of working setup.

However im getting all my clients complaining they can’t send mail, (hence somehow asp isn’t allowing them)

Looking in log I find a few entries as such..

“PopB4SMTP failed for xx.xx.xx.xx”

Advice? Am I using it all correctly?

When you use ASSP, postfix no longer sees the true client IP address; all connections will appear to come from localhost. Consequently, relay decisions based on client IP address must be made by ASSP, not by postfix.

So this is an ASSP problem, not a postfix problem. We can't help you here.

You may be able to solve some of these problems by using ASSP as a postfix smtpd_proxy_filter rather than as a stand-alone proxy in front of postfix, or by switching to a milter such as j-chkmail.

Consider migrating to SMTP AUTH, which will solve this problem and other potential problems.

Noel Jones

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