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Carlos Williams wrote:
> I had a user ask me if the Postfix email server can auto respond w/
> "Out of Office" reply rather than do this on his client in case his
> machine is rebooted and or shut off.

My first response would be to ask whether they really need it. :)
This bitterness comes from dealing with too many annoyingly-enterprise-y
customers who are hell bent on notifying people that they'll be away
from their desk for more than 45 seconds, lest they be "left out of the

I Google'd this first and found a
> program called "Vacation" which appears to be somewhat compatible
> however I am not sure since I have neither installed or used it as if
> yet. I read the man page and it appears like a process getting up and
> running so I thought I would ask here 1st if there is a more efficient
> way in Postfix to get this up and running w/o having to install a
> separate application / daemon to do what I am looking for.

This isn't something you really "daemonise", postfix just delivers mail.

You can use vacation and formail to do this if you use local delivery.
We use procmail for local delivery, so something like this in the user's
.procmailrc works for us. It's quite manual though, not usually
something users do for themselves. Good for a one-off, but not ongoing.

Delete any ~/.vacation.cache files before starting, and create a
~/.autoreply file for the user.

NAME="Yukari Yakumo"

:0 Whc: .vacation.lock
* !^X-Loop: infobot_reply
| formail -rD 8192 .vacation.cache

:0 ehc
| (formail -rt -I"From: $NAME <$EMAIL>"\
        -A"Precedence: junk (autoreply)"\
        -A"X-Loop: infobot_reply" ; \
        cat $HOME/.autoreply\
   ) | $SENDMAIL -t -f "$EMAIL"

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