Joey wrote:
> Hello All,
> I’m trying to understand this a little better.  I read
> and have an ok idea about
> whats happening.
> I see several of these when watching top. 
> smtpd -n smtp -t inet -u -o stress
> I can tell you we get about 10K messages an hour on average on this
> box, 98-99% spam of course.
> That 10K doesn’t include the 1.3 connections we block at the firewall
> level with some CIDRs.
> The sad part is we don’t have all that many users on this box, but
> that’s the nature of spam.
> Anyway, I’m trying to better understand what the smtpd -n smtp -t inet
> -u -o stress is really

Does it say "-o stress=" OR "-o stress=yes"?
The former means it has support but not using, the latter is USING.

> telling me.
> Is there anything else I can do to reduce the stress that the system
> is apparently under?
> I was also debating adding -o stress=yes into my, but I’m not sure 
> that’s the best way to go.
> Any help appreciated!
> Joey
> For reference if I execute ps ax|grep smtpd  I get back between 60-85
> smtp processes:

I count about 25 smtpd sessions and a lot of spawn and related
smtpd-policy processes.
This is not a tremendous amount of smtpd processes.

Are your delays high for delivered messages?

For more help, answer all questions listed above and including:
postconf -n?
Logs? Warnings? (see


      Postfix 2.3 and later logs a warning that all server ports are busy:

      Oct  3 20:39:27 spike postfix/master[28905]: warning: service "smtp"
       (25) has reached its process limit "30": new clients may experience
       noticeable delays
      Oct  3 20:39:27 spike postfix/master[28905]: warning: to avoid this
       condition, increase the process count in or reduce the
       service time per client

> postfix  27167  0.0  0.0  3820  952 ?        S    Oct08   0:00 spawn
> -n policy -t unix user=nobody argv=/usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/
> nobody   30304  0.1  0.6  8476 6560 ?        Ss   02:43   0:00
> /usr/bin/perl /usr/sbin/
> postfix  30306  0.0  0.1  6628 1988 ?        S    02:44   0:00 smtpd
> -n smtp -t inet -u -o stress

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