brian wrote:
> "TLS not supported by avast mail scanner."
> I'm using Postfix with Cyrus-IMAP. I realise that this isn't really
> Postfix-specific but hope that someone might know of a work-around for
> this (aside from getting rid of Avast). I don't use Avast (nor Windows)
> so don't really know what to do about this. Google shows very little for
> this msg.

This really isn't the right place for it, but...

* Avast is effectively trying to eavesdrop on your connection
* TLS is designed to prevent exactly this from happening
* To get around this, Avast would have to perform a man-in-the-middle
attack, or act as a proxy for your mail client. I can think of ways this
is *possible*, but it would never work in practise.

Avast should have a way to disable this behaviour ("mail scanning"), I'd
be surprised if it didn't.

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