On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 3:39 AM, mouss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> if you have no domains in relay_domains, then you don't need
> relay_recipient_maps nor reject_unverified_domains.
> you are using a "non standard" setup in the sense that you are declaring
> the domains as virtual_alias_domains when they are relay_domains.

Perhaps "non standard" but it works best for us.
98% of our virtual map is mapped to one of three inbox
servers, while the other 2% want to forward their
stuff to gmail or some special service.  It seems
the most flexible way to run a mapping.
We only serve one domain as MX on this server.

if you have wildcard aliases (alias for the whole domain), then you may
> have a backscatter problem. see below.
> test with a domain for which you have a wildcard alias in one of your
> virtual_alias_maps. so if you have a line like
> @example.com    @example.org
> then try sending mail (with telnet or a MUA that uses smtp) to
We have no wildcards.  For every recipient there is one
mapping entry.

I think the Postfix docs should include this method as
a valid one for preventing backscatter.  So many answers
I've read say you require relay_recipient_maps to prevent
backscatter generation, while one can get the same
prevention with the right virtual mapping set up.

Thanks for the confirmation on that.


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