On 23-Dec-2008, at 00:50, LuKreme wrote:
/(dsl|pool|dynamic|user|hsd|dyn|dial)/ WARN helo Dynamic addresses not allowed

Sorry, meant to include the check_client_fqdn.pcre, not the (irrelevant) helo_checks

$ cat /etc/postfix/check_client_fqdn.pcre
/\.?(dhcp|dialup|dynamic|ppp|pool|dsl)\.?/ REJECT Dynamic addresses must use a real mailserver
/^unknown$/                                  check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9][^0-9\.]+[0-9]/                 check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]{5}/                            check_greylist
/^([^\.]+\.)?[0-9][^\.]*\.[^\.]+\..+\.[a-z]/ check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]*[0-9]-[0-9]/            check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]+\..+\./    check_greylist

And, while it was regarded as pretty good evidence of criminality
        to be living in a slum, for some reason owning a whole street
        of them merely got you invited to the very best social

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