J. Bakshi:
> error3> warning: lookup owner-postmaster, NIS domain infoservices.in,
> map mail.aliases: internal yp server or client error
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`

>>When reporting a problem, please do NOT remove useful information
>>such as the name of the program that reports the problem.

> could any one kindly give me the clue about which is actually causing
> the problem ?

>>Apparently, your Postfix tries to use NIS for alias_maps, and some
>>SYSTEM LIBRARY function reports an error. Perhaps you need to update
>>the main.cf:alias_maps setting.


Hello Wietse,

Thanks for your suggestion. I have checked the main.cf and found the 
"alias_map" is commented.

#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases

But there is one more configuration for virtual_alias_map like

virtual_alias_maps = 

may be it required to uncomment the alias_map option.


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