On Tue Jan 6, 2009 2:42 pm Victor Duchovni wrote:

> I know that it is not a good model for the way postfix requires the
> query,

More stronly, an SQL schema in which multiple data items are stored
concatenated in a single table element is a poor schema regardless
of the application. This violates fundamental principles of database
schema design. Multi-valued elements are stored in separate tables that
are joined to the main table. This is not a Postfix requirement, it is
basic database design.

> but from a logical standpoint, I am trying to this about it
> as which addresses is a user allowed to send from.

The correct design has a address table which links address objects to user
objects, and a user table which holds attribtues of users. To discover
the addresses of a user, join the two tables. Implement appropriate
indices and forein keys to make the expected queries efficient.

> This makes sense
> when you think about a user having e-mail service through my server,
> and using that to send e-mail from another unrelated valid address then > he/she owns. (validating that is also important, but not in the scope
> of this issue).

> So I want to associate valid from addresses with the user, not the other
> way around.

In a correct SQL schema the question is moot, SQL stores relation tuples,
there is no notion of which is the primary element in a relation.

x R y <=> row (x,y) is present in table R

> I understand fully the point of view that postfix takes, asking who is
> allowed to send from this e-mail address (more or less masquerade as
> this e-mail identity), which makes sense also.

Yes, but your schema is poorly designed. A good schema will naturally
support a variety of queries that select ether the "x" values for
which "x R y" is true for a given "y" or just as easily the converse.

> There may be better schema for answering the question I am asking,
> but it sounds from your response (I am assuming, possibly dangerously) > That there is no way to do what I want to do without creating another > table in the database, indexed by from address with resuting lists of
> users. Is that correct?

I am claiming that what you can't be done with your existing schema,
perhaps it can. I am claiming that you should change your schema
as soon as you can.

> Why does postfix reject the mail when the mysql query return one or
> several valid SASL users?

To solve such questions, divide and conquer:

- Use a simple indexed file to store the sasl_sender_login table.
Make this work, resolving any issues that you find.

- Once SASL sender validation is working without SQL, create
an SQL query that given verbatim keys from the indexed file,
returns the identical RHS values. Verify with multiple "postmap -q"
tests. Once this works, use SQL in the Postfix configuration.

The above approach allows you to identify and solve the right problem.



Thank you. I agree with all your comments about the database schema, which I have not yet built. I am in testing mode and want to make sure this kind of validation will work as expected and give me the desired results. So if I may, I'd like to focus on getting this to work.

I did the testing you suggested before I posted. Here are the tests:

I created a hash table (text file then used postmap hash:). The text file had lines like this:

sender_address1  sasl_owner
sender_address2  sasl_owner2, sasl_owner3, sasl_owner4

and so on, for the several addresses I tested.

I then used postmap -q to verify that the lookup returned the correct values. As speficied in the documentation for smtpd_sender_login_maps, it returned one single SASL user name when only one user is authorized to send from that from address and a string of comma-separated names when multiple users are authorized to send from that from address.

I then added the line:


to my main.cf and send a few messages. Postfix correctly allowed and rejected all of the test messaages, and the logs showed the correct reason for the rejection, and no log entries showing a successful match.

I then, again just to test, added a field to my virtual users table to hold authorized addresses, and wrote the query noted above into a mysql_sender_login_maps.cf file.

I used postmap -q to verify that the results of the query were correct and were exactly the same as the results received when I used postmap - q on the hash: file. They all were identical for the same lookup keys.

I then changed the main.cf line to:


and tried the same series of test messages.

All of the test messages failed. The ones where the lookup produced the same comma-separated line as with the hash: file, and the ones where the lookup produced a single result. All were rejected (as noted in the log entry I posted previously) with the reason that the from address was not authorized for that sasl user (not postfix's words, my paraphrase).

I then changed the query to produce a multiple row result (rather than a comma-separated list) and ran the same tests. Same result - all messages were rejected.

So, I am at a loss as to how to make this work with a mysql query. Thus my questions:

- Does postfix expect mysql to return a multiple-row result or a text string with a comma-(or whitespace-)separated list of valid sasl users for that from address?

- I am correct in my reading that the lookup key is the from (MAIL FROM) address?

- I don't know what to ask about the queries that produced a single result - these are failing, but other than the log entry showing the failure, I don't know why.

So, while I am not quite an expert in database design, I understand and will take your suggestions when I build the live database. Right now, I want to make sure I can get this to work, and it's not working as I'd expect.

I'm reasonable sure I'm missing something, but I don't know what. Please let me know if there is further information that would point to a solution.

Thank you so much for taking the time to help!


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