
Based on good practice and the help and urging of some of the gurus on this
list, I am moving my users to using the submission service (port 587)
instead of port 25 to send mail from their mail clients.

Once most of them move, I'd like to start warning the ones who don't that they should (ok, maybe just bugging them). But then I was thinking I might
eventually want to require that they use port 587.

My question is really two-fold:

1) using the controls in postfix, is it possible to prevent authenticated users from using port 25 to submit mail? Is there a construct that would do
that without interfering with incoming mail from anywhere?

2) even if it's possible, it is advisable (I know no one is shy about
offering opinions here, and I hope if you have one, you'll voice it :) )?

Thank you for any help and/or advice!


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