Noel Jones:
> Also sounds as if you don't have a valid recipient list for 
> these customers.  Not OK.  Your queue is likely filled with 
> lots of undeliverable mail to unknown recipients, and 
> undeliverable bounces to bogus senders, plus you're sending 
> out backscatter to innocent parties.  This will get you 
> blacklisted.
> The solution is two steps.
> First, if you can't get a valid recipient list you can use 
> address verification so that you don't accept mail to bogus 
> users in the first place.  This is really important.

I agree with this. The problem is that your machine is accepting the mail.

> The second step isn't required, but will reduce load on your 
> system.  Convince them (use a creative explanation about 
> system security) to log in as root and run this one-line patch 
> to their system:
> postconf -e unknown_local_recipient_reject_code=550

Maybe they can be convinced that this presents no loss of mail.

Postfix 2.4 and later no longer reply with 450 for non-existent
local recipients.


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