On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 10:46:09AM +0530, ram wrote:

> > Search order is documented in the transport(5) man page.  When 
> > multiple tables are present, each table is searched in the 
> > order specified.  The first match stops the search.  Since 
> > your regexp matches the first user+extens...@domain search, no 
> > further searches will be performed.
> But the hash file matches the domain,  why wouldnt that take precedence
> over the hash table 

Because a list of tables is one logical concatenated table, and
the documented lookup keys are tried in turn against the full
set of tables, so the highest priority lookup key matching in
a lower-priority table wins over a less specific in a higher
priority table:

        for key in $keys
            for table in $tables
                value = lookup(table, key)
                if value is not nil
                    return value
        return nil


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