On Friday 23 January 2009 11:32:04 ram wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-23 at 11:04 +0100, Richard Foley wrote:
> > Hi postfix profis,
> > 
> > I'm running postfix 2.1.5-9 
> If it isnt broken , dont fix it :-)
Sage advice :-)

> If you are seeing a lot of reject  lines ( because of spamhaus ? ). That
> is natural. We get upto 400k connections per hour on some of our postfix
> servers and postfix handles them all well. 80% get rejected. 
Yep, I think postfix is doing a fine job, and I've RTFM'd quite a bit as well 
and read this list (not back2back...), and I'm happy to see the rejects.  I 
was just wondering if I was doing anything obviously inefficient, given that 
I'm not an expert postfix admin.  I realise it's a bit of a 'how long is a 
piece of string' question, because there's almost always some room for 
> What are you trying to optimize ? Are you looking to upgrade your
> postfix (2.1x is old )
Upgrade is imminent.

> 1) Do you reject unknown users using 
> check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/recipient_checks
> a hash map or a cdb map file may be better
This file is very minimal:

        /^\@/           550 invalid address
        /[...@].*\@/    550 weird addresses

> 2) smtpd_sender_restrictions seems to duplicate checks in
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions , so you may drop them 
Ah, well spotted.

> 3)The smtpd_recipient_restrictions  seems to have an unnecessary
> reject_unknown_recipient_domain, If you are rejecting unknown users

Thanks for your feedback.

Richard Foley
Ciao - shorter than aufwiedersehen


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