Postfix snapshot 20090123 provides support for managing multiple
Postfix instances. It was designed, implemented and documented 
during this week (implementation taking about 1/6 of that time).

Citing from the RELEASE_NOTES:

This can automatically apply your "postfix start" etc. command to
multiple Postfix instances, including upgrades to new Postfix

Multi-instance support allows you to do the following and more:

- Simplify post-queue content filter configuration by using separate
  Postfix instances before and after the filter. This simplifies
  trouble shooting and performance tuning.

- Implement per-user content filters (or no filter) via transport
  map lookups instead of content_filter settings. Mail for some
  users can be sent directly from the before-filter instance to
  the after-filter instance.

- Test new configuration settings (on a different server IP address
  or TCP port) without disturbing production instances.

- Each additional Postfix instance uses a few files and directories,
  plus memory for an extra master daemon and queue manager. The
  pickup daemon is needed only if you use local submission or
  "postsuper -r".

Best of all, nothing changes when you use only one Postfix instance.

The postfix-wrapper script (in the daemon directory) implements a
simple but useful multi-instance manager, with instructions. The
plug-in API itself is described in the postfix-wrapper(5) manpage.

A more sophisticated multi-instance manager called postmulti(1) is
approaching completion. A prototype version has been used internally
at Morgan Stanley. This version will be adapted to the new plug-in
API which makes some simplification possible.


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