
I have a Postfix+Amavisd-new+MySQL+ClamAV mail gateway system.

I'm observing time spent by a messagge in (Amavisd-new) content_filter
of postfix (I trascure deliberately the time spent by a message to be
processed by postfix, because it is neglegible with respect to the

I "grep" a maillog line with match "delays=", "" and
"status=sent (250 2.0.0" (I don't consider rejected messages, and
blocked message by content_filter).

The aim is to get an average latency of a message of processing.

Once I get all 4-ple delays="a/b/c/d", I calculate the average time
during a specified time period.

What I note is that the average of "Time to transmit the message" (the
term pointed as d in 4-ple above) is a little bit to high for what I can

For example, I obtain:

Every 1.0s: cat /tmp/filter.latencies.txt               Fri Jan 30
19:54:26 2009


I can accept that the value "Time Before Queued" is a little bit high,
as it represent the time for the content filter to queue the message
since it has been trasmitted by the sender. But I can't figure out why
the "Time to transmit the message" is high at the same manner, even if
it represent (at least I think) the time employed by the content filter
to transmit the message back to Postfix.

Sorry for my not completely clear exposition, but I'ld like to have a
better one that possibly explay better the messages timing inside a such
architecture. I appreciate any comment about.



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