On Sun, Feb 01, 2009 at 05:16:18PM -0500, Wietse Venema wrote:

> Bokhan Artem:
> > In the next example postfix does not pass HELO from XCLIENT line to the 
> > milter if "EHLO spike.porcupine.org" is ommited.
> > It looks like bug.
> This is not a bug.  
> After XCLIENT, Postfix must reset the Milter session and start from
> scratch with the new client IP address and hostname.
> It makes no sense to send the Milter the EHLO that was sent
> before XCLIENT.

Nor the "HELO=" parameter, because milters process SMTP commands, not
artbitrary attributes. Since you see "220" after "XCLIENT", send
the desired EHLO command at that point.

This means that the "HELO" parameter for "XCLIENT" could arguably be
deprecated, you are free to not send "HELO=" with XCLIENT. If you do
sent it, and don't EHLO/HELO after 220, it will only apply to Postfix
restrictions, not milters.


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