On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:59:37PM +0100, Rocco Scappatura wrote:

> Returning to my question, I'm trying to understand:
> 1) Once a client (or another MTA) establish a TCP connection with
> listening port bounded by the SMTP daemon of Postfix, could happen that
> more then one email messages are sent over that TCP connection, before it
> is closed?

Sure this is possible, but it is unlikel to significantly impact your

> 2) If 1), is there any limit on the number of messages that could be sent
> over that TCP connection?


> 3) Could the receiving MTA (i.e.: Postfix) decide how much times a TCP
> connection could used to transmit a messages by a client?

Enforcing such limits is unwise. The solution causes more harm than the
perceived problem.

There is no evidence that sender-side connection re-use has any material
impact on your queues. If you do want to enforce such limits, they should
be applied selectively to just IP sources with poor "reputations".


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