On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:33:57PM -0500, post...@corwyn.net wrote:

> At 04:28 AM 2/12/2009, mouss wrote:
>> recipient_delimiter works "out of the box". there is no need to change
>> your tables, your sql statements nor add users.
> The problem is I don't know what the "out of the box" behavior should be.
> If I set recipient_delimiter = + then mail to u...@example.com, 
> user+...@example.com, and user+spam all deliver to INBOX, regardless of 
> whether there is a spam or foo folder created.
> What I want is, without having to set filters in the client, for mail to 
> deliver to the appropriate folder.

This up to your LDA. No LDA bundled with Postfix understands "folders".
Cyrus IMAP understands folders, and even knows that "user+foo" only
goes to folder "foo" when the folder's ACL allows anonymous "POST",
otherwise mail goes to the "Inbox".

These issues are dealt with by Mailstore aware delivery agents, not
the MTA. Deploy a delivery agent that co-operates with your mailstore
(Cyrus, Dovecot, ...). Postfix will pass the address and extension to
the delivery agent.


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