On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, jeffs wrote:

>> On Wed, 18 Feb 2009, jeffs wrote:
>>> Thank you for your prompt reply.
>> No problem, but please do not top-post; place all future replies *below*
>> quoted text.  Thanks.
>>> I am working on a project in which -- depending on the level of the   
>>> users subscription -- either their mail is delayed for at least 2 
>>> hours  or it is sent out immediately.  Actually, I could use some 
>>> advice on the  best way to implement this.  Because of the 
>>> application in use all email  whether or not it belongs to one group 
>>> or another, originates from the  same domain.  It is an application 
>>> sitting on the smtp server which  processes mail for the application. 
>>>  The users fill in a form and  depending on their level of 
>>> subscription, the values from the form are  converted into an email 
>>> message, go out right away or are delayed.  So,  as far as the smtp 
>>> server is concerned , all mail originates from the  same user but in 
>>> fact gets destined for different recipients.  The  application can ad 
>>> tags or codes to the individual messages to indicate  which group 
>>> they are in so perhaps if postfix can look inside the  message or 
>>> something and see the tag or code, it can then decide if it  should 
>>> delay or deliver immediately the message.
>>> I hope I'm making myself clear and please ask if you need clarification.
>> Why not configure your application to inspect the mail and, depending on
>> your criteria, submit to Postfix immediately or after a two hour delay?
> You raise an interesting twist.  The mail is sent out via php -- I  
> really don't know how to make it delay the submitting of the mail to  
> postfix unless you might have some ideas on that one.  I'm very good  
> with cron jobs and I was thinking if I could only get one group of  
> messages into a queue or delayed queue then I could fire off the cron  
> job every few hours, but I'm at a loss as to what queue and how to get  
> it into that without postfix gobbling it up and sending it out right 
> away.
> I did look at defer_transports and that looks promising.  Would I simple  
> put defer_transports = smtp in the main.cf or do I have to fiddle with  
> other settings someplace too?  I'd prefer something a little more  
> elegant than defer_transports unless I can, again, specify somehow which  
> mails are to be delayed.

You needn't fiddle with other settings.  To deliver deferred mail, issue the
"sendmail -q" command.

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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