Zitat von Andres Vergara <>:

Hello there, list

Those last idle timeouts.. the mails are flowing fine and amavisd is playing nice (afaik), but i'm a bit concerned about the nature of this timeouts. Is this an expected behaviour? I've digged through the mail list archive and i couldn't find an answer.

Postfix processes are the perfect worker. When no work is to be done they quit and therefore waste no resources (RAM,CPU-cycles) which may be needed otherwise. If there is mailflow "master" create new processes (smtpd, smtp..) as needed.
As said if you remove the debug flag (-v) nothing will be logged for this.

So this idle timeouts are expected behaviour and they're logged there because of the verbosity of -v. Great, that's all i wanted to know :)

Andrés Vergara |

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