On 4-Mar-2009, at 17:13, Victor Duchovni wrote:
On Wed, Mar 04, 2009 at 05:07:44PM -0700, LuKreme wrote:
If j...@example.com is not in /etc/postfix/virtual, where else could this
be controlled?

See above. Consider also that the rewrite could be based on a partial
match of either the domain or a bare user name (if the domain is "local").

I am REALLY confused then:

$ grep -ir john /etc/postfix
/etc/postfix/dist-postgrey_whitelist_clients:# messagelabs.com (big pool, reported by John Tobin)
$ grep -ir nutters2-admin /etc/postfix
/etc/postfix/aliases:nutters2-admin: "|/usr/local/mailman/mail/ mailman admin nutters2"
Binary file /etc/postfix/aliases.db matches
Binary file /etc/postfix/virtual.db matches
$ grep southgaylord.com /var/log/maillog| grep orig_to | grep john | awk '{print $7" "$8}'
to=<j...@covisp.net>, orig_to=<j...@southgaylord.com>,
to=<j...@covisp.net>, orig_to=<j...@southgaylord.com>,

Generalizations are always inaccurate.  -Mugsy

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