On Mar 5, 2009, at 7:33, <du...@linuxgeek.org.uk> wrote:

Hi guys,

I have a couple of quick questions:

1) How long does a message sit in the postfix queue for before it attempts
a redeliver (a deffered message sat in the deffered queue)?

2) If you have a mailserver (postfix, dovecot, virtual users/domains mysql)
and you have a back-up MX record set if the main mailserver goes down
(reboot) and a mail gets sent to a domain hosted on the server, it gets no response from the main mailserver so reverts to the backup. It delivers
the mail to the backup and then defers it

Your backup MX is deferring the message? As far as the sender is concerned, once the message is accepted by your server, it should be considered delivered, no?

because it cannot be sent to the
main mailserver, it then sits in the deferred queue until the main
mailserver is back and gets delivered. wonderfull... the question is, if the server is down due to a reboot for whatever reason so say 5 - 10 minute downtime. The original message will be sent, goto the backup mx, it will get deferred until mailserver is backup then delivered... BUT I tested this
with hotmail, and what I get is, hotmail defers the message as well as
sending it to the backup mx, so that when the backup mx delivers the mail which goes through fine, hotmail are retrying as well, and you end up with
two of the same message? How do you overcome this?

Um, hosts.deny hotmail? ;)

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