On 17-Mar-2009, at 06:29, Stacker Hush wrote:
mynetworks =,,,

That does not mean what I think you think it means. The only class A private IP space is 10/8 and 127/8. The others are 192.168/15 and I think

However, even this is not a good idea unless you are actually using all of those private IP spaces and your LAN accesses the server from those addresses.

For example, even though there is a LAN on the same connection as my servers, the LAN clients access the mailserver via its real IP, so I have none of those CIDR blocks in mynetworks.

unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 450

Why would an unknown local user be a temp fail?

If I were you boys, I wouldn't talk or even think about women.
        T'aint good for your health.

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