Dear Eric,

Am 24.10.23 um 11:32 schrieb Eric Doutreleau via Postfix-users:

i m using on my server postfix-3.5.8 and cyrus-sasl-2.1.27

I m using fail2ban too to prevent brute force attack.

my problem is that when a connection failed because of wrong password i don't know what account is targeted

the line is

Oct  5 11:07:52 hermes postfix/smtpd[277411]: warning: 
unknown[]: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication 

There s no username logged.

Is there a way to log this username?

Jozsef Kadlecsik submitted a patch, and it was accepted and is going to be available in the 3.9 release [1].


        Cleanup: attempt to log the SASL username after authentication
        failure. This appends ", sasl_username=xxx" to SASL authentication
        failure logging. Based on code by Jozsef Kadlecsik. Files:
        xsasl/xsasl_server.c, xsasl/xsasl_cyrus_server.c,

Kind regards,


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