On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 06:32:53PM -0400, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users wrote:

> > I'm trying to see if someone has a good app to connect to an exchange or
> > O365 server either via LDAP or AD to grab all of the legitimate email
> > accounts, forwarding accounts and Groups in order to build a
> > transport_recipients file this way reject all invalid email prior to
> > forwarding it to any destination.
> > 
> > Im thinking there would be something open source out there, just not able
> > to find it.
> I'm not familiar with AD, but on the Postfix side can use
> reject_unverified_recipient to query a destination server if it
> would accept mail for a recipient. Postfix maintains a cache
> for positive and negative reject_unverified_recipient results.

Why not just query AD via LDAP?  Use the below as a basis for a
"virtual_alias_maps" tables (not transport!):

        ldap = proxy:ldap:${config_directory}/
        virtual_alias_maps = ${ldap}valias.cf

        query = proxyAddresses=smtp:%s
        query = proxyAddresses=smtp:%s
        result_attribute = mail
        version = 3
        scope = sub
        server_host = ...
        search_base = ...
        bind_dn = ...
        bind_pw = ...
        bind = yes

This scales much better than per-user transport looks via LDAP, and
avoids the need to extract tables, risk stale data, ...

See ldap_table(5) and LDAP_README for more details.

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