Slightly off-topic.

My bottom-of-the-line VPS is being deprecated. Making me grumpy because it has been working so well (+updates) for all these years!

Very low volume Postfix/Dovecot for a half-dozen domains, plus a rarely-used Apache serving only static pages, and the occasional code-example download for our user group, ie spends most of the day at-idle and rarely exceeds 50% load.

Have been offered choice of more-modern Cloud-VPS systems, and two addressing options:

can an email server be run off IPv6 (exclusively) these days, or are IPv4 + v6 alternatives necessary?

given the minuscule work-load, is there any preference/preclusion between employing the 'usual' x86 processor or 2 Arm Ampere processors? Both offer Linux. Cost is effectively same.

Bonus Q: (sheer curiosity)
Might the latter answer change in a 'real' enterprise environment?

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