On 09.02.24 14:58, natan via Postfix-users wrote:
Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendkim[27903]: 888B43B0063: smtpfarm4.allegro.pl [91.207.xxx.xxx] not internal
Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendkim[27903]: 888B43B0063: not authenticated
Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendkim[27903]: 888B43B0063: DKIM verification successful Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendkim[27903]: 888B43B0063: s=smtp d=allegromail.pl SSL

Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendmarc[29379]: 888B43B0063 ignoring Authentication-Results at 0 from mail134.xxx.xxx.pl Feb  2 09:02:45 mail134 opendmarc[29379]: 888B43B0063 ignoring Authentication-Results at 12 from mail134.xxx.xxx.pl

I guess this is from your host so why is it ignoring them?

My machine ignores Authentication-Results from foreign servers.
Are you sure it's not caused by the typu in AuthservID?

Can you post at least first 13 headers from that e-mail?

AuthservID mail143.xxx.xxx.pl
PidFile /var/run/opendmarc.pid
RejectFailures false
Syslog true
IgnoreAuthenticatedClients true
IgnoreHosts /etc/opendmarc/ignore.hosts
SyslogFacility mail
UMask 0002
UserID opendmarc:opendmarc
HistoryFile /var/tmp/opendmarc.dat

And I have no idea. And I don't know what to pay attention to the email itself has the correct structure

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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