
I'm running my own Postfix as part of a dockered MailU which works really 
smoothly for my own domains. However, I also have a few email addresses for 
client projects at work and for the sake of MUA simplicity, I forward all 
incoming mail to these addresses to my main email address on my own domain. 
Receiving is a piece of cake, unfortunately, sending is another story.

This is the situation stripped to the important bits:

* m...@mydomain.org is my main email handled by my own MX (Postfix/MailU)
* m...@clientproject.org is my email used for this client project and handled 
by Google workspace

Incoming mail to m...@clientproject.org is forwarded to m...@mydomain.org and 
delivered normally.

Outgoing mail as m...@clientproject.org should use the (authenticated) SMTP of 
Google to assure SPF/DKIM alignment, but my MUAs don't support such a setting. 
(IMO, only Thunderbird allows multiple outgoing SMTP per email account.)

I tried to figure out a server-side solution instead, something like a reverse 
forward or submission forward: Submit outgoing mail as m...@clientprojet.org to 
my own Postfix which is configured to recognise this "From" as external and 
therefore resubmit the message via the SMTP of Google (using my credentials for 

My experiments using transport maps worked to some degree, but I never got 
everything to function properly. Some setups interfered with my own domains, 
others resulted in misaligned SPF/DKIM etc. I certainly don't know enough about 
mail delivery in 2024 to configure Postfix in such a way that envelope, headers 
etc are correctly altered. 

Is such a setup doable at all and maybe is there an example I missed out during 
my research?

Thanks a lot for your help!
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