It appears that Viktor Dukhovni via Postfix-users <> 
>On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 01:01:46AM -0000, John Levine via Postfix-users wrote:
>> >I must be interpreting this wrong because it appears postfix is not
>> >accepting that.  Here is the complete process.  A message arrives at
>> >my MTA addressed to a specific address.  Postfix delivers that
>> >message to a pipe to my process which reads the pipe and stores
>> >everything in a file.  Portions of the text of that message are
>> >extracted and then sent using SMTP to port 25 on my MTA with new
>> >recipients. ...
>> Oh, there's your problem. If you are talking directly to an SMTP
>> server, you have to use SMTP line endings \r\n rather than the \n used
>> in files on Unix systems.
>Maybe, but perhaps this is too literal a reading of the OP's anecdotal
>description of the message handling.  One might equally expect that the
>problem is with some parser of the message content not expecting to decode
>quoted-printable MIME bodies.

I suppose, but sending bare LF in SMTP is definitely wrong, so he needs to
fix that first.

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