Tim Coote via Postfix-users wrote in
 |Thanks very much for the detailed response. My original issue was why \
 |dkim signatures were failing on some emails from email lists when arriving \
 |at my Postfix based domain (postfix-3.4.10-1.fc30.x86_64 - I know it \
 |needs updating: and that may be the only reasonable answer). I have \
 |only seen this sort of issue from two sources. So I tried subscribing \
 |to one of them with a gmail address and found the folded header differen\
 |ce, which, if the lines were merged meant that dkim signature verification \
 |worked (using dkimpy).  (tbh, I thought I’d done very well at this \
 |point as I’d spotted what had gone wrong for DKIM).
 |That’s why I formed a hypothesis that (my) Postfix had changed this \
 |long header - as you note this is < 998 stmp limit. I presume it’s \
 |not directly involved now, as smtp_line_length_limit is the default (998)
 |So, I tried creating an email using python and sending that to an account \
 |in my domain - that had the same <cr><lf><space> inserted after the \
 |‘,’ in the ‘List-Unsubscribe’ header. But if I use the python to send \
 |to an account in gmail, the behaviour is different from the externally \
 |sourced email as the 'List-Unsubscribe’, when observed with the gmail \
 |client in a browser does have an extra <space>, but no <cr><lf>.
 |I clearly need to do several more experiments to work out what is going \
 |on.  It’s non-trivial when you control so little of the whole chain.

Note that in practice only exim and the DKIM library it uses (from
2009) produce really standard-conforming results, all other
implementations i have tested have some edge cases.  For example,
opendkim and rspamd (as of git) use (at least in pars, or always)
the C function isspace(3) to normalize whitespace, which is not
allowed according to the DKIM RFC.  They all do it wrong.  The
most minimum and in practice very likely non-failing (or not at
all) is dkimpy (which uses the python function trim(), but only as
the very last step).  My upcoming sign-only milter will only
support relaxed/relaxed, but is hard-conforming, too.

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)
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