> On Jun 17, 2024, at 4:27 PM, Wietse Venema via Postfix-users 
> <postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:
> Paul Schmehl via Postfix-users:
>>>>> - Did the client send starttls? That is logged in the "disconnect
>>>>> from" line.
>>>> I don't see anything in the postfix logs (/var/log/maillog) from 
>>>> roundcube. I guess I need to enable debug.
>>> No debug logging needed. This information is ALWAYS logged:
>>> Example of client that sends starttls:
>>>   disconnect from host[addr] ehlo=2 starttls=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 
>>> commands=7
>> When I grep for 'disconnect from' I get 118,816 entries in the
>> log. 20,297 of those are from one IP.
>> When I look in the logs for the timestamp that is in the roundcube
>> smtp log, I find nothing.
> Yeah. Are your clocks properly synchronized, like NTP? Or do you
> use whatever the clock on the motherboard says?
I have a cron job that runs daily to sync the clocks to an atomic standard.

>> [17-Jun-2024 15:24:58 -0500]: <so35oiot> Recv: 220 mail.stovebolt.com ESMTP 
>> Postfix
> [successsful auth, mail, rcpt, data and so on.]
> Clearly you solved a problem by June 17.

Yes, I switched to port 25 and stopped trying to get roundcube to work on the 
other ports. I know someone said I should use port 465, but nothing I tried 
worked, so I gave up.
>> So, that's one session in Roundcube. There should be a corresponding entry 
>> in the maillog, right?
>> grep "15:24:5" /var/log/maillog
> You can do that only if your clocks are accurate to within two seconds,
> otherwise it could already be 15:25:0* on the host that runs Postfix.

Both apps on on the same server and *should* be using the same clock.
I don’t want to waste any more of your time. It’s working, so I’m happy.

Paul Schmehl

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