Oh, thanks; I should’ve realized I could just add another map to 
local_recipient_maps. D’oh!

My Dovecot setup uses MySQL to identify users+passwords.

I assume you’re asking that because (as I just discovered) PostFix nominally 
supports MySQL, but OTOH “postconf -m” doesn’t list the “mysql” lookup table 
type, so it’s not supported on the distribution that comes with MacOS.

That said, for the one login user, I had been specifying:

  # main.cf
  home_mailbox = Maildir/

but my Dovecot setup stores the base directory path in the MySQL DB. For 
non-login users, that base directory is of course not relative to the user's 
“home directory”, since non-login users have no “home directory”. (For login 
users, the base directory just happens to point to their home directory.)

I guess Dovecot’s LDA would consult the MySQL DB to find the user's Maildir, 
but perhaps PostFix’s invocation of the Dovecot LDA overrides the path using 
the “home_mailbox”. (?)

In that case, without virtual_mailbox_base, I don’t see how to point PostFix to 
the right Maildir for non-login users.

Thanks so much for the help!!

 - Bob

> On Jul 7, 2024, at 4:12 PM, John Fawcett via Postfix-users 
> <postfix-users@postfix.org> wrote:
> On 07/07/2024 18:59, Robert Fuhrer via Postfix-users wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've got a Mac running PostFix 3.2.2, configured for local delivery for a 
>> single domain, call it "mydomain.net <http://mydomain.net/>", using 
>> dovecot's local delivery agent.
>> At the moment, there's just one relevant login user on the server, for which 
>> I've got PostFix delivering emails addressed to "myu...@mydomain.net 
>> <mailto:myu...@mydomain.net>" to that user's Maildir store. This has worked 
>> fine, for years.
>> As such, here are the relevant bits of config:
>>  # main.cf
>>  myhostname = mail.mydomain.net <http://mail.mydomain.net/>
>>  mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain
>>  local_recipient_maps = proxy:unix:passwd.byname $alias_maps
>>  alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
>>  # access
>>  myu...@mydomain.net <mailto:myu...@mydomain.net>  OK
>>  # virtual
>>  myu...@mydomain.net <mailto:myu...@mydomain.net> myuser@localhost
>> (I'm actually not sure the virtual user entry is actually necessary. I 
>> suspect not. Is it?)
>> I'd like to augment this PostFix setup to accept local delivery for a very 
>> limited number (say, 3-5) of specific NON-login users in the same domain, 
>> e.g. "otheru...@mydomain.net <mailto:otheru...@mydomain.net>", also via 
>> Maildir. (I already have those users' mailboxes set up in Dovecot, so I can 
>> see their mailboxes and emails via the Dovecot IMAP service in my mail 
>> client.)
>> I understand that one shouldn't also list "@mydomain.net" as a 
>> virtual_mailbox_domain (since it's already $mydestination), so what should I 
>> do?
>> I'm tempted to try this:
>> 1) Set up a fake virtual domain, say, "mydomain.virtual", just to map those 
>> non-login users' addresses from the external addresses (@mydomain.net).
>> 2) Add a virtual mailbox domain for that domain.
>> 3) Set up local delivery for the users in that domain (by mapping them to 
>> otheruser@localhost?).
>> or something like that.
>> Any advice on how to set this up properly?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> - Bob Fuhrer
> Hi Bob
> if email is being delivered to dovecot for the current single user and the 
> same should be done for the other users, I would just list them as local 
> recipients. You could just add an additional map file to local_recipient_maps 
> listing these users. You could even drop the unix:passwd.byname lookup if you 
> also list your existing user in that map. What type of user database you are 
> using in Dovecot?
> John
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