Henrik K wrote, at 04/08/2009 09:54 AM:
> On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 09:09:58AM -0400, Jorey Bump wrote:
>> It's a shame, because enforcing these checks would have a noticeable
>> impact on spam, especially FCrDNS:
>>   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forward_Confirmed_reverse_DNS
>> Sadly, I have been unable to uncover a method to use FCrDNS in a scoring
>> system. Ideally, I would like to use SpamAssassin, but if anyone knows
>> of another way, please share.
> Don't bother looking too hard. :) Postfix records FCrDNS in Received-headers
> ("unknown" if not matching) and SpamAssassin uses that information in
> RDNS_NONE rule.

Funny, I took that rule at face value and assumed it only indicated a
missing PTR. Even funnier, I've been incrementally raising the score for
 months (currently at 4 points) looking for the sweet spot, so it seems
I've been checking FCrDNS all along. Thanks for the info! Time to notch
it up another point...

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