On Sat, 11 Apr 2009, KLaM Postmaster wrote:

> KLaM Postmaster wrote:
> > How can I be sure that SMTP authentication is really working. I have
> > been trying to determine is there is a reliable way of checking is my
> > SMTP authentication  is working,
> > I think it is working, but as I an only test from within my own network
> > I am not 100% certain, Is the a tool or site that would allow me to
> > verify this.
> >
> > TIA
> > JLA
> >   
> Follow-up when I look in the my Mailllog I see this sort of thing:
> Apr 11 15:17:51 localhost postfix/smtpd[26037]: Anonymous TLS connection
> established from unknown[]: TLSv1 with cipher
> DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (256/256 bits)
> which makes me think that it is working, however is it normal for the
> connection to be "anonymous"?

The logging you show is insufficient to determine whether authentication "is
working".  Please define your question more clearly and show some more logs.
Try relaying mail from outside your network using TLS+SASL and see if that
works.  If you have problems, paste related logs and the unaltered output of
'postconf -n'.  

Anonymous TLS is fine and actually quite common; it just means the client did
not have (or present) its own certificate, offered only anonymous TLS
ciphers which were accepted by the server.  Nothing to worry about here.

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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