On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 02:03:43PM -0500, Len Conrad wrote:

> freebsd 7.1 and 7.0
> postfix mail_version = 2.4.10
> When traffic triggers postfix to log:
> postfix/smtpd[42222]: warning: problem talking to server 
> Operation timed out
> ... I see that the process qty of policy-to-postfix pegs at 201.  
> As long as that qty stays below 200, there are no postfix timeouts.
> I can't find any param in the policy process/docs or postfix/docs that is 200.
> Where is this 200?

Most likely default_process_limit, put a "0" in the process limit column
of the master.cf entry for the policy service.


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