On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 08:02:43PM -0300, Reinaldo de Carvalho wrote:

> A company have a active directory with sub-domains and when postfix
> query the main ldap server, if user don't present on this server, its
> receive referrals for sub-domains ldap servers. When turn on
> chase_referrals, postfix try connect to sub-domain ldap servers, but
> don't do bind operation, and can't query the servers.

Yes, Postfix has no crystal ball to predict what DN/password to use with a
random referral server, so binding to referral servers is not supported.

If you use referrals, don't require binds. If you require binds, don't
use referrals, and tell Postfix about which queries to send to which


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