On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Carlos Williams <carlosw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 8:41 AM, Brian Collins
> <lis...@newnanutilities.org> wrote:
>>> I noticed that Postfix V#2.6.0 is now out. Does anybody know where to
>>> get RPM files? GOOGLE did not help.
>> Simon Mudd picks up the releases and makes good source and binary RPMs from
>> them with lots of options.  However, he's a busy man and does not always get
>> to them right after release.  A kindly-worded email to him might yield you
>> an estimate of when he'll get to 2.6.
>> But certainly don't expect the big Linux package-based releases to make RPMs
>> of their own any time soon - Red Hat 5.3 ships with 2.3.

Is there a down side to using a 3rd party RPM on RHEL / CentOS over
the packages version of 2.3.
According to RHEL, they will be on 2.3 until they release 5.4 in Sept.
09. I would like to wait for someone
to package a 2.6 RPM but don't want to run into any problems down the
road. I have no idea how patches/
upgrades would work then. Anyone have any input on this?

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