On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 12:42:01PM -0500, Noel Jones wrote:

> wiskbr...@hotmail.com wrote:
>>>> Here are the contents of my /etc/postfix/blocked_senders file:
>>>> "operator#...@somephishingbanksite\.com" REJECT
>>> The above line is the wrong syntax and will never match
>>> anything. Wildcards are not allowed in dbm or other indexed
>>> files, and quotes should never be used.
>> I am almost certain that it has already worked in the past, I'll check. 
>> Otherwise, any suggestions for where and how to implement such a rule?
> Here's an example using a regexp table instead of the dbm table for those 
> two statements.  It's also acceptable to use multiple check_sender_access 
> statements if that fits your needs better.
> # main.cf
> smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
>   permit_mynetworks
>   reject_unauth_destination
>   check_sender_access regexp:/etc/psotfix/senders.pcre
>   ... other stuff ...
> # senders.pcre
> /operator#...@somephishingbanksite\.com$/  REJECT phishing
> /@mydomain\.com$/   554 mydomain.com sender? But you're not!

Does "regexp" support "\d+"? It looks like PCRE to me... So the
table prefix should be "pcre:" not "regexp:".


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