* Steve <steve.h...@digitalcertainty.co.uk>:

> > Where is this behaviour documented?

> Good question. If it is not surely it would make a sensible feature
> request? Clearly as an expert on Postfix perhaps you can tell *ME* how
> to get Postfix to stop attempting rubbish DNS lookups rather than try
> and start an argument with me? 

I THINK it is possible, but that would disable it for all lookups,
which is not wanted.
> Asking the question with the BIND list (which I did before coming here)
> clearly put the blame on the attempting client here - AKA 'Postfix'.
> Postfix is asking stupid questions to public DNS servers.

Postfix does not perform DNS queries, that is done by your local
(libc) resolver. 

> They are nonsensical in my network context. That is, small class C with
> a handful of hosts, external DNS. Not only are they nonsensical queries
> to make, they are also a total waste of network resources and
> bandwidth. The fix here is to stop the client making them, not to stop
> the resolver from answering them.

Usually, you would make BIND responsible for those local network, e.g.
with dummy zones. powerdns does this automatically (which seems to be
beneficial for your setup)

Ralf Hildebrandt
Postfix - Einrichtung, Betrieb und Wartung       Tel. +49 (0)30-450 570-155
Only through hard work and perseverance can one truly suffer.

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