Sthu Pous a écrit :
> Thank You for Your time and answer, Wietse:
>> Another possiblity is anti-virus software on the sending machine.
> I use Linux Debian squeeze/sid - AFAIK I have no any antivirus software.

whatever you use, you have something that breaks ESMTP, and in
particular STARTTLS.

This may be
- sofwtare (anti-virus, filtering proxy, ...) running on the client
machine and intercepting smtp traffic
- software (anti-virus, filtering proxy, ...) running on the server
machine and intercepting smtp traffic
- hardware/software (firewall, router, ...) running between the client
and the server and intercepting smtp traffic

and please remove the
smtpd_banner = The eMail Service
because it is invalid. The banner must contain the hostname... etc.

on the postfix bow, run the following command

openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
(type QUIT to end the connection).

then on your client machine

openssl s_client -starttls smtp -connect
where is the IP of your postfix box.

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