Victor Duchovni:
> On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 10:41:30AM -0300, Marcio Merlone wrote:
> > Wietse Venema escreveu:
> >> (...)
> >> Apart from that, if they come up with a decent MTA then I welcome
> >> some competition. More motivation for me to look into postfix-lite.
> >>   
> > That would be great, I have some servers wich sends nothing but 
> > administrative mails to me, logcheck, crontab, such annoying things. They 
> > need nothing more than a bare bones MTA wich is able to send mails to a 
> > relay host.
> Postfix "lite" does not mean a stripped-down MTA. It means a cleaner
> Postfix free of the weight of backwards-compatibility constraints,
> and thus able to shed *some* baggage. I think this still means a
> fully-featured MTA.

Fully-featured as far as RFCs are concerned, but not necessarily
drop-in compatible with earlier Postfix configurations or file

Ideally this means eliminating thousands of lines of non-obvious
code, either by removing the feature or workaround altogether, or
by replacing it with code that is easier to maintain but not 100%
compatible.  This will be a slow process.


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