Ville Walveranta wrote:
> Here's the completed script (the IP/CIDR extract worked perfectly --
> thanks Barney!):
> ---
> #!/bin/sh
> ORIGINAL=/usr/local/etc/postfix/tables/client_access_maps.cidr
> NEW=/tmp/postfix_clients.tmp
> dig +short TXT | grep 'v=spf1' | egrep -o
> 'ip4:[0-9./]+' | sed 's/^ip4://' | sed 's/$/      OK/' > $NEW
> ORIGINAL_CK=`cksum $ORIGINAL | awk '{print $1}'`
> NEW_CK=`cksum $NEW | awk '{print $1}'`
> if [ -s $NEW ] ; then
>   if [ $ORIGINAL_CK != $NEW_CK ] ; then
>     cp -f $NEW $ORIGINAL
>     postfix reload > /dev/null
>   fi
> fi
> rm $NEW
> exit 0
> ---
> It works except that the Postfix refresh message
> ("postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system") is
> displayed despite of the attempt to redirect it to /dev/null?  Any
> idea how I could hide it?
> Ville
postfix reload 2>/dev/null instead


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