(apologies if i'm reposting this. i forget i hadn't resubscribed before sending initially)


i'm having some trouble using ldaps in a lookup map for virtual_mailbox_domains (among others).

here's my lookup map:

>cat virtual_mailbox_domains.cf
version = 3
tls_ca_cert_file = /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
server_host = ldaps://ldap.example.com
bind_dn = cn=postfix,ou=services,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=com
bind_pw = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
search_base = ou=domains,ou=mail,dc=example,dc=com
query_filter = (&(objectClass=mailDomain)(host=%s)(description=virtual))
result_attribute = description

testing with postmap returns:
>postmap -q 'example.com' ldap:./virtual_mailbox_domains.cf
postmap: warning: dict_ldap_set_tls_options: Unable to allocate new TLS context -1: Can't contact LDAP server

however, if i switch from ldaps:// to ldap://, it's successful.

the same ldaps query via ldapsearch (on the same computer as postmap) appears to be successful:

>ldapsearch -LLLxP 3 -H 'ldaps://ldap.ltn.lvc.com' -D 'cn=postfix,ou=services,ou=accounts,dc=example,dc=com' -w 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx' -b 'dc=example,dc=com' "(&(objectClass=mailDomain)(host=example.com)(description=virtual))" description
dn: host=example.com,ou=domains,ou=mail,dc=example,dc=com
description: virtual

also - testing with s_client seems to indicate that the certificate file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt is ok, as the return code is 0 (ok) when using -CAfile and 21 (unable to verify the first certificate) when not used (i'll spare the pages of s_client for the moment.)

what am i doing wrong?

postfix 2.6.2-RC1
openldap 2.4.11
debian testing


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